Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Minnesota Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving in Minnesota was a blast! Spending time with Matt and Alicia and the boys was such a treat. We started the day off by cooking up some eggs and pancakes on HuHot's giant grill, then played a thanksgiving day game of soccer, and topped it off by sitting down to a delicious meal that evening. It was great to be with family.

Hockey Time!!

While hanging out with Matt and Alicia, Alicia thought it would be a great idea to put me in all her hockey gear and send me out into a hockey game to get clobbered by some burley Minnesota moms. Luckily, they spared my life and I lived to tell about it. Dave, however, looked slightly frightened by my new look =)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Birthday Festivities

This weekend was my birthday, so Dave called in a sub on Friday and we headed for the mountains! There's nothing like a birthday hike up to Kings Canyon. We were worried about the cloudy skies on the way up, but the clouds descended into the trees to form a beautiful landscape and ideal weather. We couldn't have asked God for a better hike! The birthday celebration was great, minus my viral infection that had me laid up for a few days. Dave spoiled me and took care of me, and my parents drove all the way down to join in the festivities. Over all, the birthday was fabulous!