Friday, October 22, 2010

Proud Auntie

My niece Alexa is adorable, so I just had to post a picture of her enjoying the festivities of Autumn. Her mom, Lauren, is incredibly creative and is an excellent photographer. Lauren took this photo herself along with many other adorable portraits of Alexa.  I can't wait to see the both of them come January!! Only a couple months left and I get to squeeze you Lexie!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

School Days, School Days......

I have been gone for the last two weeks away at school in Redding, CA for 2 intensive classes.  I am taking a total of 3 classes this semester (one online), and it has kept me busy!  This semester I am taking Greek, Theology 2 (Christ the Spirit, and the Church) and Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation).  My classes at Tozer Theological Seminary are enjoyable, but I was sure ready to come home. I think Dave was ready for me to come home too since I kept getting text messages about him eating frozen fish sticks and hamburgers.

Below are a few pictures of where I stayed while I was up there, and all the books I have to read this I said, I'm staying busy!