Sunday, March 14, 2010

Homelessness and Isaiah 61:1

This issue of homelessness and poverty has struck me in the last few months throughout my quiet times. It doesn't help that every time I go to the grocery store I hear a rap tap tap on my car window from a homeless person begging for money, or on almost every intersection there are beggars with signs asking for help. Fresno actually has the highest homeless rate in California, and the fourth largest in the nation. This issue has always bothered me, and my heart began to wrestle with God over what my responsibility was regarding this issue. Jesus says in the gospels that the poor will always be with you, but he also encourages the rich man to sell everything he owns to give to the poor. I was still caught in the middle of where or how much do I give? In talking with a local homeless shelter employee, I found out that there are various levels of homelessness, and some actually make quite a good living while begging. Others truly are at their wits ends and have hit hard times. Through the conversation, I also found that there are lots of resources in the city that can help and provide proper aid. I myself could be putting Dave and I in danger if I were to invite someone into our home, but a shelter could provide the assistance I could not. After much prayer and wrestling with God, an idea emerged. This idea, I truly believe, came not from me, but through my prayers by hearing God's voice. I would buy a Costco-sized box of granola bars, print out copies of all the homeless resources in Fresno, rubber band them to the granola bars, and give them out every time I encountered a homeless person. This feels right. I am helping to satisfy a physical need (hunger), while assisting with a deeper need (homelessness). Dave thought it was a brilliant idea as well, so here are some pictures of us preparing the granola bars. Praise God that he helps us wrestle through the issues of daily life such as poverty in our own cities. We don't have to travel around the world to make a difference.


Unknown said...

I applaud your creative efforts to help the homeless!

We are in California also, and our family began a small nonprofit to help provide for essential items for the homeless (personal care items, food, water, etc.) Please check us out at

We just recently joined Facebook, and would love it if you would join us!/pages/Hope-Mill-Inc/298172363853

Again, thank you for what you are doing. The need is SO great!

Unknown said...

When I was a kid, I thought "why don't we (as a country) just build a house for every homeless person and give it to them?" Then I realized that everyone would decide to become homeless so they could get a free house too. And yes, many of the beggars make a good living doing that, so I really prefer to support charities rather than give money directly to beggars.

There are no easy answers, but I do like your guys' idea. Keep up the good work!