Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And he's off!

My brother David just joined the Navy. We dropped him off at the recruiting station yesterday with many tearful goodbyes and watched him drive away with nothing on him but the clothes on his back.  Can you believe they even issue him underwear?  Yep, they own him. He got driven to Sacramento last night for paperwork processing and is on a plane this morning to Great Lakes Illinois (about 45 mins north of Chicago) where he will spend 8 weeks in boot camp.  Our whole family will be flying out to see him graduate late March. After graduation he goes right into "A" school.  He schooling is somewhat unknown, but it is in the field of computers. Possibly ballistics, possibly radar. If it were his choice, he'd be on a submarine. Given that he scored so high on his tests and that his schooling is more intensive than most, his enlistment was a required 6 years.

Feelings of giddiness mixed with nostalgia flooded him over the last few days as he said his final goodbyes.  I can't wait to see him proudly in his uniform in a few short months.  I am sure going to miss my goofy younger brother.

1 comment:

MamaGord said...

That was one of the hardest days of my life, saying goodbye to James when he left for boot camp for the Army. We had been married just over a year at the time. I am sure David will do great though and even though they own you they tend to take pretty good care of you :)