Friday, July 23, 2010

The New Car!!!!

As if things weren't happening fast enough, today we purchased a car!  Dave went to a job interview on Monday, he got the job on Tuesday, we found a place to live in Chico on Wednesday, we drove back down to Fresno and listed the house on Thursday, and on Friday we bought a new car and rented out our house.  Is God good or is God good?  There's a whole story on how Dave got this job that I will blog once we've moved to Chico, but the jist of it is that we felt that God was moving us out of Fresno, and that the process was going to be a witness of His hand in our lives.  We felt that our move would be a God story to share - sure enough it is.

So, we bought a car!  At the beginning of the summer we had sold my car since we didn't need two cars over the summer.  We wanted to buy a car in Fresno since the prices are cheaper.  We have been doing lots of research and were debating over a Honda CR-V or a Toyota Rav-4.  They both had excellent reviews. We ended up finding a Rav-4 that we fell in love with.  It has so many neat features that the Honda didn't have.  It's 4 wheel drive, so we're ready to play in the mountains!!!  Dave negotiated the dealer down $1,000 and we walked away with a car.  God has blessed us more than we can imagine!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I am so happy and excited for what God is doing in and for the two of you! And, I love the new car! We are big Toyota fans. :)