Monday, July 26, 2010

The BIG Job

We're moving up in the world.  In one week's time, Dave has a new job, we have a new place to live, a new car, our house is rented out, the classroom is packed up, and we just sold three large pieces of furniture today.  The blessings that are being SHOWERED upon us!!!

In January, Dave and I started praying hard for a job in Northern California, knowing that we were asking for the impossible. Dave was burnt out on teaching, and Fresno was not a place either of us wanted to live long term. So we began to pray. Teaching jobs are incredibly hard to come by, and administrative jobs are even harder due to the state of education in California. But God is bigger.

Around spring time, several jobs had been posted, but no interviews were to be found.  Dave heard clearly from the Lord in his quiet time that we were to start packing up the house in faith - so we did.  God spoke to me during one of my quiet times so clearly that God was going to move us out of Fresno, and the process would be nothing short of a miracle - a God story.  We continued to pray hard all summer as letter after letter came thanking Dave for his time, but not offering him an interview.  We searched all over California, Oregon, and Washington.......nothing.

Just as our hopes were slim, a call came on July 14th in the morning from Corning Union Elementary School District inviting Dave to interview.  We were ECSTATIC!!! We tried not to get our hopes up, but that didn't work out so well =)  We spent time with Dave's folks over the weekend and used the 7 hour drive up to Chico to rehearse interview questions.  Dave said he felt ready. 

We had friends, family, neighbors, etc. all praying during his interview. Heck,  my sister Cassie stepped into her boss' office with his wife to pray during Dave's interview as well.  The power of prayer was on our side and it PREVAILED!!!  He interviewed on Monday, July 19th, and the next day they offered him the job. Fifty people had applied for this job, several of them within the district.  It is truly the hand of God that was at work in this situation.

So Dave is now the new Assistant Principal at Maywood Middle School in Corning, Ca.  We are both on cloud nine as we have one week to pack up our house!  It's been a whirlwind, but it's been welcomed.  Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.  The pictures below are of Dave's new office, the school mascot, his new school, and his official picture for the school site.

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