Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our New Place

We have not completely set up our place yet, but here's a few pictures of our new pad!  There are pros and cons about living in a duplex half the size of our house:

1. One Airwick fresher makes the entire house smell great!
2. Less to vacuum!
3. No yard maintenance - Dave's especially excited about that
4. You definitely don't have to walk far to borrow a cup of sugar
5. Water and garbage are paid for

1. Only one bathroom - going in after Dave uses it is a BAD idea
2. Our backyard consists of a patch of dirt =)
3. No more Costco bulk shoppping - freezer space is limited
4. We are currently eating off of a card table with camping chairs and are without a coffee table
5. The king sized bed is a little bit large so we're snuggling up on a queen - that's actually not so bad =)

More pictures to come when pictures are hung!

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