Monday, August 9, 2010

1st Year Anniversary

Our anniversary celebration this year was awesome.  Before Dave obtained his new job, our plans were to get away for a romantic weekend together.  After we had to pack and move our entire house in 1 week, move into a new place, and start a new job, we were a little worn out.  Going away for the weekend was a little much, so, we spent the weekend together enjoying some down time.

The day consisted of waking up to a bouquet of flowers and eggs and toast made by the husband, church at 10:30am, followed by Kinder's sandwiches (the best pulled pork around) in the park by the creek.  The weather was in the high 80's - perfect for a Sunday afternoon picnic down by the water. After our picnic, we returned home only to both fall asleep on the sofa for a few winks.  Have I mentioned we're still recovering from the move?  After our snooze, we headed to Sierra Nevada for dinner - a favorite of ours.  We rocked some anniversary shirts - a tradition we intend to keep up. We received many compliments on the shirts =) At Sierra Nevada, we ordered the beer sampler - a fun way to try their custom brews.  After dinner we retired to the house to open up a bottle of Asti Spumante - the champagne we drank on our first date, at our proposal, and at our wedding. 

We have been so blessed this year by all of the things God has provided us.  We wanted to take time to reflect on all the Lord has blessed us with, so we started a tradition which we hope to continue of every anniversary, writing down all that the Lord has blessed us with.  It took us a while as I typed away on the computer, but the reflection time of thankfulness was awesome!

After reflecting, we played cards - whoever lost a game had to drink a sip of champagne.  It was a blast!

Thank you Dave for choosing me to be your bride.  I am so lucky to have married my best friend.  We have had a full year of learning what it means to work as a team.  I look forward to many more years of teamwork.  I love you!!!

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