Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Craving to be Close

Our Dog has definitely established himself as one of the family.  He is extremely physically affectionate and where we are, he wants to be.  If we're sitting on the couch, he's right between us.  If I'm working at the desk, he's at my feet.  We love the little guy but REALLY?  These pictures prove my point and show his intrusive nature....

Trying to read.....

The ol' snout on the arm trick!  I'm on to you!

Dave, trying to work while Ollie using his toy as a chin rest.....

Ollie, making it somewhat difficult to see all the words on the page....

Paw on keys.....

Ok, now if this isn't intrusive, I don't know what is!

The ear...

As if the ear wasn't enough....

Sleeping while I'm trying to finish my dinner....

Laying on Dave's legs while he's trying to do push ups...

I was attempting to pop Dave's back until this little guy came along...
Dave, trying to have his morning quiet time.....


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! cutest dog ever! Can I please have one just like him?!?! We're always complaining that our cats aren't "cuddly" enough!
~Melissa Mosey

Unknown said...

Hahahah those pictures are to DIE FOR they are so cute! I love Ollie. He is so happy to have loving parents. He can't get enough of it!